function [marginalev,gainev,mutualev,gamma]=MIG_simple(fig,bin,resc_flag) % % Matlab function used to calculate and partition the spatial information in a % regular lattice such as a photographic image. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Written by Raphael Proulx (UQTR) & Lael Parrott (UBC) % % 2006 - 2014 % % Available for download from % % NOTE ON USE OF MIG_SIMPLE.M: % % MIG_simple.m calls two other functions that should be placed in the same % sub-directory as MIG_simple.m - histmulti5.m and entropy.m % % entropy.m is included with this download (see end of file). % % histmulti5.m, written by Hans Olsson, can be downloaded from Matlab % Central at: % % /histmulti5.m % % The MIG_simple.m function is provided by the % authors as is and for academic purposes only. Any use of this function % in an academic work should be properly acknowledged. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % HOW TO USE % % INPUTS fig, bin, resc_flag % % fig: Regular 2D lattice (image) to analyse. (Note: The lattice must have % variable type "double" or the hist function gives errors. To convert % integer or other variable types to double, use Matlab's "double" function.) % % bin: Values in 'fig' are rescaled to an integer between one and bin. % % resc_flag: If resc_flag = 0, the values in fig are NOT rescaled before being binned. % If resc_flag = 1 (default), the values in fig ARE first rescaled [0-1]. % % OUTPUTS marginalev, gainev, mutualev, gamma: % % marginalev (ME): marginal or Shannon entropy of the lattice, scaled % between 0 (ordered) and 1 (random). This is an aspatial entropy value. % % gainev (MIG): mean information gain, scaled between 0 and 1. This is the % information gained by including the spatial information in the lattice. % It is equal to the joint entropy (entropy of 4 coordinate combinations of % pixels in the image) minus the marginal entropy. i.e., the difference % between spatial and aspatial entropy of the image. % % mutualev: Mean mutual information (MMI) - this is the information shared % between the spatial and aspatial entropies, also normalized between 0 and % 1. 0 = ordered or random lattice; values increase with spatial % autocorrelation in the lattice (see Proulx and Parrott, 2008. Ecological % Indicators 8 : 270-284.) % % gamma: a convex complexity function which attains its maximum at an % intermediate value between order and disorder [0-.25]. Can be used to % identify the value of MIG for which complexity is maximal. % (see Proulx and Parrott, 2008. Ecological Indicators 8 : 270-284.) % % % % EXAMPLE: % % y=rand(1000,1000); % z=ones(1000,1000); %[marginalev,gainev,mutualev,gamma]=MIG_simple(z,10,0) % %marginalev = % % 0 % % %gainev = % %0 % % %mutualev = % % 0 % % %gamma = % % 0 % %[marginalev,gainev,mutualev,gamma]=MIG_simple(y,10,0) % %marginalev = % % 1.0000 % % %gainev = % % 0.9993 % % %mutualev = % % 7.2349e-04 % % %gamma = % % 7.2296e-04 % % TO USE MIG_SIMPLE TO ANALYSE AN IMAGE FILE: % % im_c=imread('filename'); % read in the image % im_c=double(im_c); % transform it into double format % [marginalev,gainev,mutualev,gamma]=MIG_simple(im_c(:,:,1),10,1) % call the function for one of the colour bands in the image % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% sz=size(fig); li=sz(1,1); co=sz(1,2); if (nargin<3); resc_flag=1; end; % Note that here the scaling is relative to the minimum and maximum values % in the lattice. The code could be modified to use a predefined min and % max in the case where a series of lattices are being compared. if resc_flag == 1; fig = (fig-min(fig(:)))/(range(fig(:))); fig = ceil(fig*bin); fdz = (fig == 0); % Attribute the zeros to bin=1. fig(fdz) = 1; end im1=fig; im1(:,1)=[]; im1(1,:)=[]; im1=im1(:); % coordinate (i+1,j+1) im2=fig; im2(:,co)=[]; im2(li,:)=[]; im2=im2(:); % coordinate (i,j) im3=fig; im3(:,co)=[]; im3(1,:)=[]; im3=im3(:); % coordinate (i+1,j) im4=fig; im4(li,:)=[]; im4(:,1)=[]; im4=im4(:); % coordinate (i,j+1) % Calculate normalized marginal, gain, and mutual information marginal=hist(im2,bin)'; marginal=entropy(marginal); joint=histmulti5([im4 im3 im2 im1],ones(1,4)*bin); joint=joint(:); joint=entropy(joint); gain=joint-marginal; gainev=gain/(log(bin^4)-log(bin)); mutual=(4*marginal)-joint; mutualev=mutual/((4*log(bin))-log(bin)); marginalev=marginal/log(bin); % Calculate gamma, a convex complexity function (minimal if uniform or random, maximal if at intermediate values) gamma=gainev*mutualev; return function e=entropy(x) %ENTROPY Entropy of a distribution. % E=ENTROPY(X) computes the entropy of the % distribution X. error(nargchk(1,1,nargin)); if nargout>1, error('Too many output arguments'), end for j=1:size(x,2); x(:,j)=x(:,j)./sum(x(:,j)); x2=x(find(x(:,j)),j); e(:,j)=sum(-x2.*log(x2)); end